About us


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Step into the world of quality and luxury of natural materials.

Feel the power and beauty they provide.


Everest Graniti d.o.o., was founded in 2021, we are engaged in the import, export and sale of natural stone from India. Many years of experience and knowledge, gained by working in all areas of stone work, led to the creation of our company.

Our young, dynamic and professional team selects the highest quality materials, which we offer for Your needs. Whether You are engaged in stonemasonry, construction, architecture, design or decoration of your home, we are your most reliable business partner. We are adorned with kindness to clients and a positive attitude towards the work we do.

The characteristics of our company are quality, reliability and flexibility, and we want to build our relationship with future clients on these values.

You can contact us or visit us.


Our mission is to provide our clients with high quality and long-lasting products and services with our knowledge and experience, so that we can find the best and highest quality solutions with you, the owners. We work diligently to ensure high standards and quality of service.


The goal of the company is to constantly monitor and increase the quality and competitiveness of our product, and our creative employees are always at your disposal.

Contact us


Gornjostupnička Ulica 114,
10255 Gornji Stupnik, Croatia


+385 91 333 0481

+385 91 333 0482
